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Coordinated Entry Systems allow Continuums of Care to coordinate program participant intake, assessment, and provision of referrals. Coordinated Entry prioritizes entry into the homeless services system based on assessments of clients' vulnerabilities and needs, improves efficiency, and helps to limit duplication of services. These processes help communities prioritize assistance based on the severity of service needs to ensure that people who need assistance the most can receive it in a timely manner. Partners Ending Homelessness serves as the Coordinated Entry Lead for the Guilford County Continuum of Care.
Our Coordinated Entry program works with partner agencies to:
determine and verify clients' eligibility for assistance,
assess clients' strengths, needs, and barriers to housing,
score clients using the designated assessment tool,
prioritize clients who are literally and/or chronically homeless,
ensure access to the Coordinated Entry System for community members, and
complete referrals to other programs and agencies that may be able to assist clients and community members
​​You can learn more about Coordinated Entry and homelessness services at the links below:
If you are currently experiencing literal homelessness, we encourage you to attend one of our Coordinated Entry Access Points and/or to contact our Coordinated Entry Department via phone at (336) 553-2716 or via email at

ACCESS - NO WRONG DOOR SYSTEM: Partners Ending Homelessness hosts multiple Coordinated Entry Access Points for people experiencing homelessness. These access points are held at a variety of locations throughout Guilford County:
City of High Point Community & Neighborhood Development Office - 201 Fourth Street, High Point
High Point Public Library - 901 N. Main Street, High Point
Christ Wesleyan Church's Hope Center - 2400 S. Holden Road, Greensboro
Downtown Greensboro
Center City Park - 200 N. Elm Street, Greensboro
City of Greensboro's Cultural Arts Center - 200 N. Davie Street, Greensboro
GCSTOP Outreach - Walgreens, 2758 S. Main Street, High Point
Macedonia Family Resource Center - 401 Lake Avenue, High Point
Greensboro Detention Center
High Point Detention Center
Alternate methods of access:
Coordinated Entry Access Line: (336) 553-2716
ASSESSMENT: Assessments in our community are conducted using a tool called the Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT). The assessment tool is used for individuals, youth ages 18-24, and families. It requires a timeline for how long the household being assessed has been experiencing homelessness. The score/results of the assessment determine a client's spot on the Housing By-Name List. Placement on this list can qualify a household for local rapid rehousing (RRH) programs or for local permanent supportive housing (PSH) programs.
PRIORITIZATION: The Housing By-Name List is used to organize and prioritize the list of clients based on their needs. A client’s spot on the list is based on a variety of factors, including being unsheltered, their length of time homeless, and any identified disabilities. List placement may change on a weekly or daily basis. Partners Ending Homelessness staff does not have the ability to control how someone's placement on the list may change.​
REFERRALS: Rapid Rehousing (RRH) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs will notify the Coordinated Entry Department of openings in their housing programs. Once notified of an opening, the agency that assessed the household will complete a referral packet so that the client can begin working with the housing program and enter their housing search. All referrals must come from the Housing By-Name List.