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Guilford County Housing By-Name List: The Housing By-Name List is used to organize and prioritize the list of clients who have been assessed based on their identified needs. A client’s spot on the list is based on a variety of factors, including being unsheltered, their length of time homeless, and any identified disabilities. List placement may change on a weekly or daily basis. Partners Ending Homelessness staff does not have the ability to control how someone's placement on the list may change.​


Rapid Rehousing (RRH) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs are operated by multiple agencies in the Guilford County Continuum of Care. These agencies notify the Coordinated Entry Department of openings in their housing programs. Once notified of an opening, the agency that assessed the household will complete a referral packet so that the client can begin working with the housing program and enter their housing search. All referrals for these housing programs must come from the Housing By-Name List.



Guilford County CoC Homelessness Data Briefing: Our Continuum of Care's data briefings will be held monthly beginning in November 2024. The information shared during these briefings will be based on data collected during the Coordinated Intake process and from data entered into HMIS. For additional information about upcoming data briefings, please email:​

  • The information shared in the November 2024 Data Briefing is available here.

  • The information shared during the December 2024 Data Briefing is available here.

ASSESSMENTS: Assessments in our community are conducted using a tool called the Vulnerability Index - Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT). The assessment tool is used for individuals, youth ages 18-24, and families. It requires a timeline for how long the household being assessed has been experiencing homelessness. The score/results of the assessment determine a client's spot on the Housing By-Name List. 

Homelessness Trends in Guilford County:
A 3-Month Overview
Point-In-Time Count Data


Partners Ending Homelessness assists in coordinating the annual Guilford County Point-In-Time Count in collaboration with the other member agencies of the Guilford County Continuum of Care. Point-In-Time Counts are conducted annually in January across the nation.


These counts are designed to collect data on the number of individuals and families experiencing homelessness on any given night in each community. The information collected during the count provides a snapshot of unduplicated sheltered and unsheltered individuals and families experiencing homelessness throughout the county.


The data from the 2024 Point-In-Time Count is

accessible here.​​


The data from prior Point-In-Time Counts is available here:



The data from the 2024 Housing Inventory Count for the state of North Carolina is accessible here.


Additional data about homelessness in Guilford County and in North Carolina can be found here: 

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 The full report is accessible here.​​

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